Friday, November 29, 2019

Capital Punishment, Tommy Douglas Essay Example

Capital Punishment, Tommy Douglas Paper Navi Sahsi 1740495 English 102 Section 143 Colleen Irwin March 14/11 Tommy Douglas’ â€Å"Capital Punishment† focuses on the negatives aspects of the death sentence in Canada. â€Å"I am in favour of the motion to abolish capital punishment and I am also supporting the amendment to put it on a five-year trial basis† (Tommy Douglas 558). Being a person who lives abroad in the public with millions of others, I must say I disagree with Douglas’ argument as to abolishing the punishment, as I feel having capital punishment would indefinitely reduce the murder rate in our country as well as deter criminals from even having slightest thought of committing a murder in the first place. Also, the notwithstanding clause (Section 33) in our legal system which states the government can override a number of our personal freedoms is an obvious bump in our legal system; which apparently has abolished capital punishment although the system still seems to have enough power to have someone sentenced to death even if it is indirect. Capital punishment is a very important tool in our criminal justice system today. There are various reasons it should be reinstated in Canada and remain in effect in places where it still takes place. We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Punishment, Tommy Douglas specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Punishment, Tommy Douglas specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Punishment, Tommy Douglas specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There is undeniable proof that it is in fact a deterrent in committing crimes. â€Å"How capital punishment affects murder rates can be explained through general deterrence theory, which supposes that increasing the risk of apprehension and punishment for crime deters individuals from committing crime. Nobel laureate Gary S. Beckers seminal 1968 study of the economics of crime assumed that individuals respond to the costs and benefits of committing crime. According to deterrence theory, criminals are no different from law-abiding people. Criminals rationally maximize their own self-interest subject to constraints (prices, incomes) that they face in the marketplace and elsewhere† (David Muhlhausen 2009). One of the most basic human instincts that we have is self-preservation. This is defined as â€Å"the wish to stay alive and protect yourself from things that might hurt you† (Dictionary. com). Knowing that murdering someone will cost you your own life in return certainly violates the definition of preserving one self. Capital punishment has been used since the beginning of man kind to deter and punish the most heinous crimes committed by some of the most dangerous and hardened criminals. All countries around the world, view capital punishment as a way to give criminals what they deserve and to rid the world of the people who have the distorted mental state of mind to murder. People who protest and argue the laws on capital punishment don’t realize that these ruthless criminals being put to death would kill the very same people protesting to keep them alive in an instant without hesitation. Perhaps solitary confinement over long periods of time instead of death may be a reasonable alternative but definitely would not make as much an impact as the penalty of death on people who commit these horrid crimes all around the world. â€Å"Using a panel data set of over 3,000 counties from 1977 to 1996, Professors Hashem Dezhbakhsh, Paul R. Rubin, and Joanna M. Shepherd of Emory University found that each execution, on average, results in 18 fewer murders. †(Muhlhausen 2009). At the least, sentancing should be conditional, meaning I agree with Tommy Douglas’ statement in the fact that there should be a 5 year trial if needed, but in addition, to avoid wrongful convictions, a person may only be sentenced to death if a certain amount of physical evidence is found against him, instead of taking the word of witnesses and perhaps loved ones of the deceased who obviously would prefer the suspect be killed, as this has proven faulty in the past. Most wrongful convictions, according to one analysis, result from mistakes by witnesses or witness perjury, the negligence of prosecutors, or errors in forensic science. Canada has seen too many innocents condemned to hanging in the past and life imprisonment in the present -for capital punishment to make a comeback in the twenty-first century† (Ray Argyle 2010). The fact that so many people had been wrongfully convicted before the abolishment of the law shows that there were obviously flaws in past legal s ystem in terms of evidence and unveiling of the truth. The last point I want to make is about the not withstanding clause which we have in Canada. This law allows government to override our rights from section 1-15 in the charter. These include our personal freedoms as well as the rights to avoid cruel and unusual punishments by the government. The point being, in special cases where someone commits a serious offence in the United States, although he may be arrested in Canada, he can be intentionally sent to America to be tried. In August 2003, it heard the case of Roger Judge, a man who had escaped from prison and, in June of that year, had fled to Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec. Judge had been convicted of two counts of first degree murder and possession of an instrument of crime. Here the Canadian government had agreed to extradition without first seeking assurances that he would not receive the death penalty (Andrew Thompson). † So although the government has abolished the law it is not completely out of reach to have one killed indirectly if necessary Support for mandatory death falls of rapidly as the seriousness of the murder diminishes under law; only 13% want mandatory execution when a citizen is intentionally killed(non-capital murder) where as only 4% see a passionate killing(2nd degree) as deserving a death sentence† (David Chandler 45). Perhaps the large difference in opinion among the general public is why the law has simply been abolished. After all, abolishing it seems was the easy way out, even though some considered capital punishment was the easy way out, as simply killing a killer seemed the fastest and most logical thing to do. Or perhaps it is because a death sentence results in 2-3 times more money spent by tax payers due to legal fees as a death row convict is on average in a continues legal battle for 15-20 years. â€Å"Judges, attorneys, court reporters, clerks, and court facilities all require a substantial investment by the taxpayers (Joe Messerli 2010). † Whether it’s to do with the decrease/increase murder rate, the notwithstanding clause, or the money from tax payers it requires, capital punishment seems to be illogical in the eyes of the majority of the public in Canada so it has been abolished, but perhaps one day we will realize the benefits of it. After all the golden rule in many schools and universities of the civilized world is â€Å"Treat others how you want to be treated,† and killing others is simply something criminals need to realize is not tolerable and the only way to force them into having empathy for others is simply by the death of their fellow murderers. Works Cited Essays: Douglas, Tommy. â€Å"Capital Punishment. † Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings: Classic and Contemporary Reading Supplement. Eds. Jean Wyrick and Sarika P. Bose. Toronto: Nelson (2005): 558-62 Online Articles: Argyle, Ray. â€Å"Reasonable Doubts. Canada’s History; Vol. 90 (2010/11): 34-39 Muhlhausen, David B. The Death Penalty Should Not Be Abolished. Crime and Criminals. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. Messerli, Joe. â€Å"http://www. balancedpolitics. org/death_penalty. html† Scholarly Sources: Chandler, David. â₠¬Å"Capital Punishment in Canada. † The Carlton Library. Eds. Michael Gnarowski. Toronto: McClelland and Stewert Ltd (1976) Thompson, Andrew S. â€Å"Uneasy Abolitionists: Canada, the Death Penalty, and the Importance of International Norms (1962-2005). †

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Oneida Community

The radical notion that one could be without sin – be perfect – did not originate with John Humphrey Noyes, the leader of the Oneida Community and the perfectionist movement, however, his brand of perfectionism was genuinely new. He claimed that in 70 AD Christ had returned to earth, therefore liberation from sin was an accomplished fact. He proclaimed that he was, in fact, with out sin and that by following him others could lead a perfect, Sinless life. This concept was the basis for the formation of the Oneida Community. The perfectionists felt they could best learn selflessness in an environment where they shared everything. This environment was the biblical commune at the Oneida Community Mansion House. John Humphrey Noyes’ goal was not to change the world but to â€Å"construct a social and economic system that would provide an alternative structure within which the self-actualization of the members, through perfectionism, could occur.† When it came to decision making for the group, Noyes gave the impression of operating through discussion and persuasion rather then proclamation, however, in the end Noyes made all final decisions. To act as a democratic type society there was a sort of hierarchy established concerning everyday operational decisions as well as economic policy and other more important matters. Committees discussed the everyday operational decisions. There were twenty-one standing committees with forty-eight different compartments. Committees were held for everything from heating and clothing to dentistry and incidentals. The committees would discuss these things endlessly and they were always making changes. They felt that change was important to keep the devil from finding you. They were so concerned with this that they even changed rooms often. One of the prerequisites for joining the community was holding the belief that John Humphrey Noyes was God’s representative on earth. God inspired him through a... Free Essays on Oneida Community Free Essays on Oneida Community The radical notion that one could be without sin – be perfect – did not originate with John Humphrey Noyes, the leader of the Oneida Community and the perfectionist movement, however, his brand of perfectionism was genuinely new. He claimed that in 70 AD Christ had returned to earth, therefore liberation from sin was an accomplished fact. He proclaimed that he was, in fact, with out sin and that by following him others could lead a perfect, Sinless life. This concept was the basis for the formation of the Oneida Community. The perfectionists felt they could best learn selflessness in an environment where they shared everything. This environment was the biblical commune at the Oneida Community Mansion House. John Humphrey Noyes’ goal was not to change the world but to â€Å"construct a social and economic system that would provide an alternative structure within which the self-actualization of the members, through perfectionism, could occur.† When it came to decision making for the group, Noyes gave the impression of operating through discussion and persuasion rather then proclamation, however, in the end Noyes made all final decisions. To act as a democratic type society there was a sort of hierarchy established concerning everyday operational decisions as well as economic policy and other more important matters. Committees discussed the everyday operational decisions. There were twenty-one standing committees with forty-eight different compartments. Committees were held for everything from heating and clothing to dentistry and incidentals. The committees would discuss these things endlessly and they were always making changes. They felt that change was important to keep the devil from finding you. They were so concerned with this that they even changed rooms often. One of the prerequisites for joining the community was holding the belief that John Humphrey Noyes was God’s representative on earth. God inspired him through a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Exploring Dramatic Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exploring Dramatic Arts - Essay Example Dr Vivian is stern at most times with her students. For example, when one of her students ask for a deadline extension of an essay due to the demise of her grandmother, Dr Vivian responded in a very unsympathetic way: â€Å"Do what you will, but the paper is due when it is due† (Edson, â€Å"Think Tank: About Life, Death and the Pause That Separates Them†). Little did she realize that her unconforming attitude would later cause her own distress. Another character is Susie Monahan, a registered nurse who took care of Dr Vivian during her last moments. Her role in the play is just as important as the other major characters in a sense that she subtly revealed the main message of the play, that is, to realize that intellect is just part of being a human, and that there are other things that should not be discounted: kindness, love, and care. Other character like Jason, who was a former student of Dr Vivian, can be labelled as a non-biological offspring of Dr Vivien. As her former student, Jason absorbed so much of the resounding principles of Dr Vivian for intellect and education. Jason turns out to be a significant element in the play that induces Dr Vivian to recognize her mistakes as an individual and as a teacher. Jason sees Dr Vivian as nothing but a sick body when he yelled to Susie, â€Å"She's Research! â€Å" (Cohen, â€Å"Margaret Edison’s Wit: An Audience Guide†). Jason made Dr Vivian realize that being human needs not just wit or knowledge but also things that are simple; real. The play Wit written by Margaret Edson affords me a whole new understanding of life. It introduces me to what is more important: things that are more important than intellect, fame or money. After reading the play, I realized that every person who walks this world should preclude himself or herself from taking a step outside of reality. Dr Vivian escaped from reality when she entirely bent all her focus to literature and on becoming the best scholar in her field; and started to stay away from normalcy. She lost the common human trait of sympathy and compassion. She developed the thought that every person can live a single existence and that there is no such thing as a multi-faceted life. Later she understood that, intellect or wit is just a portion of one’s being. It should not override other essential things that make a human being a human being. While it is also beneficial to be knowledgeable about your chosen field, it should not come at the expense of your existential truth. Personally, I would say Dr Vivian, the lead character of the play Wit, and I are very much alike. I always believe in the gain you can get out of sharpening your knowledge on a particular field of knowledge. Like Dr Vivian, I relatively developed a personality that is averse to living a life that embraces minimalism. I would say that one can be more useful if he or she knows a lot of things; and even when it comes to the most sensitive and confro nting issues of life, like death, superior intellect and deep grasp of the philosophical notions of life will simply let death pass by without causing any distress or anxiety. Nevertheless, Dr Vivian and I also have characteristics that, I would say, are not similar. Dr Bearing, because of her concentration to knowledge and intellect, she failed to recognize other aspects of her being. She only values her brain, which for her, is her most important organ. She displays unfeeling and stubborn behaviour to the people surrounding her. I have not gone this far. While Dr Vivian and I are very mu

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Universality of Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Universality of Human Rights - Essay Example Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that â€Å"no one shall be subject to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment" – according to which the world rejects stoning and flogging, but not death penalties by electrocution and lethal injections. Another UN convention that disregards all forms of discrimination against the women disallows all what Taliban does to the women. While the religious zealots in the East question the degradation of western women in the form of pornography, lesbianism, prostitution and other forms of social evils. The west protects it in the names of its freedoms. Despite several Security Council resolutions, there has been no action against the Israeli blatant human violations. Therefore, over the last 65 years, the same question is raised again and again: are human rights universal? If yes, to what extent?1 HUMAN RIGHTS â€Å"Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our na tionality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.† The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights proposes that the human rights are absolute, undeniable, equal, non-discriminatory and interdependent. It states that these rights are an inseparable part of a person living in any part of the world. Therefore, it promotes it universality and argues that this ‘universality’ is the backbone of the international covenants of human rights. 2 UNIVERSALITY OF HUMAN RIGHTS International Law recognizes this universality of the human rights. It establishes the fact that the human rights are natural born rights â€Å"for all without distinction†. This universality is itself embodied in the name â€Å"Universal Declaration of Human Rights† and in the language of the charter. The preamble of the UN charter of human rights states this universality in the words â€Å"common standard of achievement fo r all peoples and all nations". The West propagates this universal nature of the rights and establishes that these rights are owned for every men and women in every corner of the world.3 History pays homage to the West for development of the Human rights. The idea picks up in the minds of the enlightened philosophers in the old Greece, followed by the Romans through their Catholic Church and then moves up to the Northern Europe and Northern America. It develops its firm roots in the shape of Magna Carta in 1215 in Britain, in the shape of American Declaration of Independence in 1776 in America and in the shape of French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789 in France. The French Declaration was outspoken in its words for the development of the human rights. The opening words of the document stirred the world, â€Å"The representatives of the French people, organized in National Assembly, considering that ignorance, forgetfulness, or contempt of the rights of m an are the sole causes of public misfortunes and of the corruption of governments, have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, inalienable, and sacred rights of man.†4 Nonetheless, many historians opinioned that the development of universal human rights surged in the recent history with the codification of the International Law since the end of the Second World War. The formation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights

Monday, November 18, 2019

Causes and effects of child labor during and after the industrial Essay

Causes and effects of child labor during and after the industrial revolution - Essay Example Unfortunately, these families would be disappointed to discover that life was not as attractive as they had hoped; jobs required long working hours and were not paying well. As a result, every family member had to work just so the family would be above the poverty line. Conditions for children who had to work were very harsh; workdays would be as long as 14 hours with few breaks. In the factories, the conditions were very dangerous with injuries and deaths. The machines were very fast and could easily catch ones limbs. Moreover, the factory environment was toxic and polluted which often lead to illnesses and chronic diseases and conditions. The rural areas were not any better for the children; children would spend long hours harvesting crops with extreme temperatures. Children who worked had the disadvantage of not going to school (Grier 2009). Indeed the state of affairs during the Industrial revolution was sad for

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impacts of Music Piracy

Impacts of Music Piracy In the future, the only way musicians will make money is by playing live. New federal legislation says universities must agree to provide not just deterrents but also alternatives to peer-to-peer piracy, such as paying monthly subscription fees to the music industry for their students, on penalty of losing all financial aid for their students. When record companies appeared, services they were providing were necessary in order for people to listen to recorded music, making and selling records was a major undertaking. This was a starting point of development of recording techniques and record studios, at that time making recorded music available to masses required a significant capital and investments, which in turn required a legal structure that would provide stable profits and return on the required investment. Music industry used to provide people with tools that were essential to listen to recorder music and the difference between that time and our days is that record companies charge people for permission to use tools people already have that they did not provide, that in fact people paid someone else for, yet the legal structure that developed during the time when that services were useful remains. The legal structure says if you don’t pay you are breaking the law therefore you are criminal and the reason it h as not been changed is because of â€Å"STARS† the entire structure of the record industry is built around their interests. Records produce good money for the industry and almost nothing goes to the pocket of musician. This particular diagram is a good example of old model of music production chain, In our days there is no need of Publisher, Distributors and in most cases manufacturers, modern technology allows to burn CDs at home publish own records using internet distributing the material across the World Wide Web physically and digitally. In old days, musician had to pay to almost every person in Music Production chain to record, studios, engineers, managers, labels, publishers, legal departments, distribution networks etc. in fact all of the departments and services belong to the same corporation and the record companies are not actually record companies at all. â€Å"To begin with, we should note that the major â€Å"record companies† are not actually record companies at all but huge media conglomerates. Most â€Å"independent† labels are owned by a corporate label. Each â€Å"major† is in turn owned by an even bigger corporation, and so on up the food chain. At the top of the chain sit a tiny handful of media giants: Time Warner, Disney, Rupert Murdochs News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, Viacom (formerly CBS) and General Electric. These corporations are among the world’s largest. All are listed in Fortune Magazine’s â€Å"Global 500† largest corporations in the world. They have integrated both horizontally (owning lots of record labels, lots of newspapers, and radio stations) and vertically (controlling newspapers, magazines, book publishing houses, and movie and TV production studios, as well as print distribution systems, cable and broadcast TV networks, radio stations, telephone lines, s atellite systems, web portals, billboards, and more).† In contemporary world there are very few recording projects that actually require use of the Cutting-edge technology studios. The Internet and World Wide Web have changed the character of music distribution with laptops and desktop PCs loaded with hardware and software necessary for high-quality sound recording. All the hardware and software applications are available for the average class people not mentioning internet piracy and â€Å"cracked† software that is available to download using peer-to-peer applications. The problem of piracy has been rising for the past 10 years, and the numbers of â€Å"pirates† are growing day by day. From my personal experience every person that is using computer came across piracy and became victims or even the pirates themselves and the reason for that is simple, easy and user friendly peer-to-peer software takes only couple of minutes to setup and another minute to become familiar with interface and all the features, in another 10 minutes it is possible to find your favorite artist and download your favorite album. That is in fact so convenient that it is becoming only the question of conscience whether it is a problem or an opportunity to become pirate. Realizing the problem of piracy Sony tried innovative approach to earn money on digital music, In 2000 Sony launched online music store â€Å"the Store† where the price for a track was $3.50 that turned off many early adopters of the service moreover, users were actually only renting the tracks for that $3.50 and after a certain point the files expired and could not be played again without repurchase, which was not a successful attempt and service failed quickly. Having that experience In 2003 Apple inc. run iTunes Store, with tremendous success with the Ipod sales which no doubts influences Music industry and the policy of digital music distribution. That is a breakthrough for digital music and especially for mp3 format. According to information by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at the end of the second week of January, 2008, the store has sold 4 billion songs, accounting for more than 70% of worldwide online digital music sales. There were many disputes on the World Wide Web and newspapers and other mass media sources about Ipod users and digital music in overall, where topics like â€Å"Ipod users are thieves† were headline. My own opinion is that it looks like a Dog chasing own tail, on the one hand technologies are growing very fast and there is nothing to put on the 200 GB HDD except tons of music and movies, the same with iPods it is highly improbable to have that amount of music in physical quantity, 40gb of Ipods capacity is approximately 5000 tracks which is around 200 albums†¦ In our days it is becoming more and more difficult for the music industry to ignore the basic economics, technology progress and the outdated legal structures of the industry such as unenforceable property rights (because it is impossible to sue everyone) and â€Å"zero† production costs (Peer-to-Peer and file sharing systems became way too popular). All the big labels such as SONY BMG, Warner and others have now given up on DRM (â€Å"Short for digital rights management, a system for protecting the copyrights of data circulated via the Internet or other digital media by enabling secure distribution and/or disabling illegal distribution of the data. Typically, a DRM system protects intellectual property by either encrypting the data so that it can only be accessed by authorized users or marking the content with a digital watermark or similar method so that the content can not be freely distributed.†) Music Companies still trying to charge for their music, but it’s becoming more and more clear that as long as there is a free alternative (Peer-to peer and other file sharing systems), the price of music and other media will have to fall. â€Å"LONDON — U.S. rock star Prince gave away his new album for free with a U.K. tabloid newspaper, weeks before its official launch, in a move that has caused dismay among music retailers.† Some artists already started to use the situation and instead of fighting with the â€Å"problems† started to look for the advantages and opportunities. Marginal production costs are zero and like in case with software applications, it doesn’t cost anything to produce another digital copy that would be as good as the original, as soon as the first copy exists anyone can create additional copies. Unless effective technical, legal or other artificial barriers to production can be created, simple economic theory dictates that zero marginal cost plus competition (The possibility that consumer will create and spread another copy) results in a zero price, unless government creates artificial barriers to a free market. â€Å"Sure, Radiohead is on a sustained run as the most interesting and innovative band in rock, but what makes In Rainbows important — easily the most important release in the recent history of the music business — are its record label and its retail price: there is none, and there is none.† In October 2007 Radiohead announced that their new album â€Å"In Rainbows† will be available to download free of charge, the fact is, the networks and peer to peed file sharing systems have grown into easy-to-use distribution methods for music even easier than what Radiohead has bee offering. According to Forbes website ( about 240.000 users has been downloading album using Peer-to peer (BitTorrent) sources â€Å"according to Big Champagne, a Los-Angeles-based company that tracks illegal downloading on the Internet. Over the following days, the file was downloaded about 100,000 more times each day—adding up to more than 500,000 total illegal downloads.† Radiohead offered to download their album for free the only requirement was to set up an account on the website, but according to statistics that turned out to be not â€Å"cheap† enough! The recorded music industry †¦ has for too long been dependent on how many CDs can be sold, writes Guy Hands, EMIs chairman. The industry, rather than embracing digitalization and the opportunities it brings for promotion of product and distribution through multiple channels, has stuck its head in the sand. Radioheads actions are a wake-up call which we should all welcome and respond to with creativity and energy. Nokia made a step forward offering music downloads for free on their mobiles by signing contract with Sony BMG â€Å" Nokia will offer free 12-month access to music from artists of Sony BMG, the worlds second-biggest label, to buyers of its particular music phones, the worlds top cellphone maker said on Tuesday. Last December, Nokia unveiled a similar deal for its Comes With Music phones with the top record label Universal.Comes With Music is expected to launch in the second half of 2008 on a range of Nokia devices in selected markets, Nokia said in a statement.Nokia gave no financial details.Sony BMG, home to artists including Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen and Celine Dion, is jointly owned by Sony Corp and German media group Bertelsmann AG.The new music offering from Nokia the first cellphone maker to push heavily into content would differ from any other package on the market as users can keep all the music they have downloaded during the 12 months.† My personal opinion is whether you agree or disagree that the prices for the music will be zero or about zero but it is going to happen if the authorities would not take drastic measures to solve the issues as it appears that there is no â€Å"easy† solution†¦ The new era is coming, the era of free recorded music and my believe is that everything is going in a right way, recorded music will become one of the marketing tools to get people to pay for the live concerts, that will put emphasis on organizational skills and on new dimension of the performances and performance quality which will result in cultural socialization and stronger community. In countries like Brazil people already started to use situation as an advantage and opportunity, people doing huge amount of remixes which resulting in new styles and music cultures like Techno Brega â€Å"In the North of Brazil, you have the Techno Brega movement. [..] You have a music producer who has a recording studio. [..] Probably a small one with good equipment. They invite the artists to these studios to make the CDs. They deliver it to the street vendors, so that they can replicate them. The only people making a profit out of CD sales are the street vendors. The musicians dont expect any money from releasing the CDs.† People realized that CD sales model is not an effective way to earn money in our days it is outgrown to promotion side of business and what people are doing now is using CDs to record actual performances and then sell it to people who have attended the performance which is a good souvenir and memory of the event. Services and web resources are developing for the benefits of artist. Web resources such as or could be of great benefits to artist. Sellaband is a very perspective web project which is aimed to promote artist but in slightly different way then, Artist creates a profile, uploading all the necessary information and maximum of 3 demo songs and looking for â€Å"believers†, each believer have to invest at least 10$ in artist and as soon as the amount of believers will reach 5000 the artist will receive 50000$ to record the album, after the album has been produced the believers will receive limited edition CDs with all the bonuses, all services are absolutely free as for believers as for the artist, that is a very bright idea as the â€Å"believers† could be a very good source of money which is very important for the first album, the amount of believers could be less then 5000, the main concept is to rise 50000$ therefore, i n this case it is possible for artist to divide the source of money between believers and himself so that it could be 50% from artist and 50% from believers. In conclusion, record labels are going down and struggling to make profits from CD sales and it appears that digital music selling is more reliable for revenue then CD sales. Copyrights and intellectual property rights law have to be updated to cooperate with current issues of piracy and file sharing protocols. CD Sales model has to be reincarnated to CD promotional model in order to regain the value of physical product with the emphasis put on live performances which should result in quality and cultural aspect of performances.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Child Labour :: essays research papers

Our Efforts and Experiences – Part - I â€Å"In all the civilized societies all over the world system of child labour is condemned as a social evil but the fact is the system is prevelent on a large scale in a country like India. It is noticed that, in recent times our society is showing some signs of awareness about this social evil. This is the first part of the article giving details about the efforts undertaken in and around Ahmedpur for eradication of this system. Since past 12 years I am working on various issues related to rural areas through People’s Institute of Rural Development and Rachanatmac Sangharsha Samiti (Maharashtra). To generate employment for farm labour through â€Å"employment guarantee scheme†is our sustained and major activity. While working with farm labour during 1988-90 I was exposed to the issue of Child Labour. When I saw the children working as child or boned Labour in agriculture, I could realise the intensity of this issue. Agriculture is a main source of employment for labour in rural areas. Child Labour working in farms, or as a bonded labour or as a herdsman has an adverse impact on the employment of adult people. When dialogue was initialed with farm labour on this issue. They narrated that when child works as a Child Labour he/she actually supports the family. They feel that child provides something to eat to a family. This is a general feeling among the rural masses about Child Labour. The common understanding among this labour class is more working hands means more income for a family. But this calls still could not decide, whose hands these should be? They are not understanding that small hands are depriving of big hands from employment. The difficult life they are living and ignorance of these farm labour is responsible for such type of their attitude towards their own children. It made us realised that there is a need of structural   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  changes in the society and we resolved to work for structural changes. In the society and we resolved to work for structural changes. In the initial period neither we had any plan nor a concrete stralgy to deal with the situation. We decide to have a dialogue with farm labour on this issue. Already we were discussing with them about employment minimum wages, equal wages for equal work, laws for the profection of a farm labour etc.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Book Review Imperial Germany

Date: April 18, 2012 Subject: Book Review The book â€Å"Imperial Germany 1871-1918† by Volker R. Berghahn has the under title Economy, Society, Culture and Politics and was first published in 1994 by Berghahn books. The used edition is the revised and expanded edition published in 2005 and summarizes the events in the ‘Kaiserreich’ (1871-1918). Furthermore, the book has 388 pages and is divided in five parts which are Economy, Society, Culture, the Realm of Politics, and World War I. Each part has numerous under parts giving the reader detailed information about each part.In addition, the author did tremendous research on the German Empire, founded by Otto von Bismarck in 1871 and lasting until the end of World War I, to clarify the broader outlines of the development between 1871 and 1918 and to explain why Germany went to war in 1914 and lost that conflict four years later. Volker Berghahn, born 15 February 1938 in Berlin, studied jurisprudence at the Universit y of Gottingen in the first place and then history and politics at the University of North Carolina.He taught in England and Germany before coming to Brown University in 1988 and to Columbia ten years later since then, he is Seth Low Professor of History at Columbia University. Moreover, he has published widely on modern German history and European-American relations. The book â€Å"Imperial Germany† is a comprehensive history of Germany and is thematically organized to provide data and information about major developments and the Bismarckian and Wilhelmine eras. The author expresses his theses and opinions in this book.Firstly, Berghahn? s position regarding the debates over the Deutschen Sonderweg is balanced and his main view about the German population is that it was characterized by pluralization and polarization. In particular, the society became more pluralistic after 1871 demonstrated by a more colorful and dynamic Kaiserreich. Berghahn demonstrated this richness and diverseness of the German population by looking at German? s society and culture. Polarization also played a main role in the Imperial Germany. In Berghahn? opinion, polarization is connected with another controversial which is whether or not the Kaissereich was in a deep crisis before World War I. His first evidence is that the economy was not in a good shape (tax conflicts, armament expenditures) followed by evidences such as that the society had difficulties to integrate industrial workers and minorities, the cultural view was pessimistic and the political realm came in a stage of stagnation. He also argues that the Kaissereich is a class society and analyzes who classes/groups/people are the â€Å"losers† of the society development.Furthermore, he points out the impact of gender, minorities, generations and religion but makes clear that these are only under topics of analyzing Germany. Moreover, the author was driven by his interest in major related issue in the Kaiserrei ch. The issue is that he wants to explain why Germany ended up in World War I. His thesis is that the catastrophe was triggered by Vienna? s and Berlin? s decision makers. Berghahn does a pretty good job in backing up his theses. The reason is that he uses other historians? opinions to support the written. For example, in the 1st part, ?Economy`, (Page 13) he writes that the economy experienced an upswing that lasted until 1913 and backs up this statement by providing a footnote which can be find at the end of the book. In addition, he provides the reader with tables to support his data and information. The tables are good because they make it easier to understand the data and summarize the written perfectly. Additionally, he cites other people who are mainly historians as well and have published famous and generally accepted writings such as M. Kaplan, The Jewish Feminist Movement in Germany.Moreover, Berghahn also refers to researches by mention them after his thesis or/and statem ent. Another notable characteristic of Berghahn? s book is that he mentions counter theses. By mention them; the reader gets to know the different historical views and what diverse and numerous opinions historians have about the development of Germany (1871-1914). Additionally, to support his theses, Berghahn confutes counter theses by giving data, information and arguments which show that the other historians? theses are wrong. In other words, Berghahn uses other (â€Å"wrong†) theses to support his theses.The author also uses counter theses to introduce a new theme and to make the reader think about the argument more deeply. In addition, he uses a research and/or historian thesis which is from the past or only the beginning of a thesis to further develop his thesis up on the other thesis. Furthermore, Berghahn sometimes writes what a specific historian thinks about a topic without commenting it. In comparison to the other books? authors we have read so far, the author of th e book â€Å"Imperial Germany; Economy, Society, Culture and Politics† writes differently. Firstly, he states his wn opinions and theses, whereas the other authors mainly provide information. Additionally, Berghahn provides a lot of tables at the end of the book as compared to no tables in the previous books. In contrast to some use of footnotes (other writers? publications) in previous books, in Berghahn? s book, you find footnotes everywhere and the book has 32 pages only for footnotes. Additionally, Berghahn writes not chronologically like Blackbourn for example, he divides the part thematically. In conclusion, on one hand, the book was informative and I like that Berghahn mentions other historians opinions as well.In addition, the use of tables makes it easier to understand the data and he handles counter theses well. On the other hand, the book was hard to read and protracted because his sentences are not straight forward and clear and he uses a lot of numbers in his wri tings making it hard to follow. Additionally, I don? t like how the book is organized (thematically) because for me, I prefer reading of all the developments happened in one time period. However, it shouldn? t be forgotten that the book is a very useful source and provides the reader with tones of information about the developments in the ? Kaiserreich`.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

CDs reviwe essays

CDs reviwe essays Dont worry, be happy was by Played by Bobby Mcferrin in the seventies . The in this piece the texture changes a lot as the work progresses. Every time the music would take a slower beat the texture would become thicker and the dynamic or the volume becomes lower. When the dynamic slows, one instrument would only be playing, and all at once when the tempo picks up more, and than three or more instrument would be playing. It seemed that when there are more than one instrument playing, they would all have a solo part to contribute. For example, the violin would play a fast tempo and the clarinet would play a slower tempo. The instrument that I most noticed in this piece is the violin. Throughout the piece the violin keeps on changing tempo and dynamic. What I liked most about this piece this how the instruments answer each other with a different beat, and dynamics. The piece called "All I want" was written by Bobby Mcferrin.. In this piece I would say that the texture stayed the same most of the time. It starts out with a very slow tempo. It is like walking in a desert without water. The tempo keeps on dragging you to a faster and more dynamic sound. When that happens it is like taking the first taste of water after a long walk in the desert. The violin plays as the main instrument when it comes to the faster tempo and dynamic part. The clarinet on the other hand takes the slower mood in the piece. The volume would get louder as the tempo picks up. What I liked about this particular piece is the way it changed its tempo from vary slow to vary fast. What I did not like is that their are not enough instruments involved. The only instrument that stood out I would have to say is the violin. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom Prevention of Surgical Site Infection essay

buy custom Prevention of Surgical Site Infection essay Surgical site infection is the state of the operation wound becoming infected with germs and therefore posing great danger to the patient in question. This kind of infection is a major cause of many diseases that sprouts up after a surgical operation. Notably, about 1-3% of all nosocomial infections are attributed to the surgical site infection for a clean surgery. Therefore most healthcare associated infections which are common in surgical wards pose so many problems to both the infected patients and also to the hospital in general. These may include high mortality rate recordings in the hospital, there is also extended stay in the hospital by the patients which is generally expensive and in some cases, and the patient can even develop a permanent disability. Therefore surgical associated infections are of great concern and strict measures should be taken to ensure that they are minimized. The cases of infection varies with surgeons in concern, hospitals, surgical procedures and mor e so the patient. The infections on the site may be classified into: organs, incisional- can be deep or superficial (Bland, 2006). The most important factor to be installed in the aim of preventing postsurgical site infection is the use of reasonable judgment and the use of proper techniques used by the surgeon and their teams. The only way available to prevent the surgical site infections is by possibly reducing the risk factors that can highly contribute to these infections. The operation room should have high levels of cleanness and it should me maintained at low level of microorganisms if not none. The operation or the surgical team must also maintain high levels of cleanliness during the operation (Schechter-Perkins, 2011). The state of health of the patient before the operation must also be highly considered. The patients must be screened for any possible presence of other health problems before the operation is performed. Presence of any other infection or diseases before the surgery if not taken into account can result to the surgical site not healing well. For example if an operation is performed on a Diabetes patient and yet the condition is not known and hence it has not been put under control, there is a greater possibility that the wound might not heal which poses a health risk to the patient (Tabolt, 2005). Therefore such conditions must be tested for and if present, they must be put into manageable levels to prevent the adverse from happening (Wascher, 2010 ). All the surgical equipments to be used must be new or if that is impossible, for equipments that can be sterilized, they should be well treated to ensure no trces of bacteria are present in them before being used. Operation gowns are another point of concern since they must be disinfected before being provided to the operation client so as to minimize the risk of them having micro organisms during the operation. It is also wise not to remove the hair on the site of operation unless there is a possibility of it messing up with the operation procedures. If the removal of hair must be done then proper care must be taken as it should be removed by being clipped. This is because when the hair in operation site is removed, there is possibilities of exposing it to micro organisms which may latter bring complications after the surgery. For better success, it is advisable the hair be removed immediately when the operation is to commence. It is also advisable for patients to use antimicrobial soaps before the surgery, preferably one night before in order to detach the microorganisms that might be present on the skin (Bennett-Guerrero, 2005 ). Prolonged hospitalization before an operation is a major risk factor that makes the patients susceptible to surgical related infections. When patients have been hospitalized for a long time waiting for an operation, they are exposed to the hospital flora; these in many situations include some airborne organisms that might even have become multi drug resistant. This risk should be brought under control by making sure that all presurgical tests are completed. The exposure to these micro organisms can be reduced by performing the surgery in ambulatory centers as opposed to the hospitals where acute care is provided to sick patients, this implies separation of surgery unit from the other hospital environment. The time spent during and after the surgery should be minimal time possible, this is because that the prolonged duration of surgery, the more the microorganisms gains chances into the open wound. Also the patients should be discharged immediately after an operation for them to have access to home care. Anti microbial agent should be carefully administered and should go in line with the published method of usage since different antimicrobial agents are available for different microorganisms and if a weak one is used it might not lessen the risk. It is also worthy to note that the antimicrobial agents can be administered by the form of intravenous way and if this method is adopted it must be administered in a timely manner such that before the incision takes place, that the tissue can not be infected easily. It should be noted that the therapeutic levels must be maintained throughout the operation and even short duration after the operation (Nicolas, 20007). The proposed incision site must be well propped with strong antiseptic solutions in order to help keeping microorganisms from moving to the open site in the event that the towels used in surgery gets wet. This is a key measure since if the micro organisms are present in the place surrounding the site they may have their access into the wound and as a result, they may cause severe infection to the wound. Proper surgical techniques must be adopted in order to reduce the risk of infection. When the methods used by the surgery team are of high quality, excessive bleeding is controlled, tissue trauma is minimized, there is definite removal of dead body tissues and the chance of foreign bodies entering the body are minimal. It also ensures that blood circulation is controlled and there is total blood oxygenation of blood. Therefore, during the surgery tissues should be handled with maximum care in order to minimize the chances of tissues dying. The surgeon must make sure to use methods that do not cause death of tissues during the operation. For instance there should be minimal use of electrocautely. Closed suctions should be used in order to prevent the tissue fluid from accumulating in the site. This is particularly important to those surgical patients that are obese. The use of permanent suture should be avoided and instead the one that is absorbable be used due to the fact that, it re duces the number of microorganisms that can generate a post operation infection (Keogh, 2008). The rate of infection after the surgery can be minimized by the use of antibiotics. Though antibiotics are significant in reducing the risk, their admissibility depends on the patient in question and the toxic and allergic levels of the drug. The patients must be checked for the case allergic reaction with the antibiotic to be administered. It might be vital for the cost and the number of bacteria resistant to the antibiotics when choosing it. Therefore, antibiotics should be administered in the cases that there is suspected to be high rates of infection and also where if any infection occurs, it can be serious and far put the life of the patient to the risk (Abdel-Haleim, 210). It is therefore wise for the surgery team to be aware that complications can arise and if so they must perform all the preventative measures in order to reduce the infection occurrence. Also the patients must be advised to take care before the operation. They are also supposed to disclose all the health facts concerning their past health experience. All these must be considered if at all rate of infections are to be minimized or brought down to manageable levels. Buy custom Prevention of Surgical Site Infection essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

TECHNOLOGY REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

TECHNOLOGY REPORT - Essay Example The other innovation in the retail industry is the use of mobile shopping through use of technologies such as MyGROCER business. The emerging technologies will cut down the time taken to process transactions and ensure better customer service. Introduction The retail industry is one of the most crucial and biggest industries in the marketplace. In UK, the retail sector stands for more than seven percent of the total value-added goods sold and has employed over 2.6 million or about 10 percent of the working group (SCB Partners, 2011, p. 5). In US, retail industry contributes to 9.2 % of the GDP and created jobs for 17.4 percent of the total workers. The grocery and food sectors are the main sectors in the industry and it accounted 173.42 billion Euros in 2010 that represented 52.7% of the total revenue from the retail sector in UK. This sector is projected to continue growing at 3.9% annually. In 2010, UK had 91,509 food stores out of which 7970 are grouped as hypermarkets, superstore s and supermarkets (Kourouthanassis et al., 2002, p. 265).Tesco, one of the major retail companies in UK is the largest private employer and was ranked as the twelfth sole contributor to the GDP in 2006 (SCB Partners, 2011, p. 5). ... Technological innovations in the industry also target to enhance efficiency in the back office operations of the firms. The technological innovations in the retail industry to be discussed in the paper include a technology to encrypt card information at the point of sale, the use of mobile devices in retail shopping and the use of NCR software. Moreover, the use of radio frequency identification in the retail industry will be explored (Bird, 2012). Cash Processing Technologies There has been a move by retailers to adopt technological innovations that enable them enhance the security of their customer’s credit card and streamline their back office activities as a way of improving efficiency and customer service (Bird, 2012). Most of the retailers are adopting technologies that help encrypt the information gathered from the credit card once it is swiped at the point of sale. One of the technological products is the VeriShield Protect developed by Lenexa-based Balance Innovations LLC, allows encryption of credit card information up to the point of processing a transaction. Ball Stores adopted VeriShield Protect and this has helped to streamline processing of transactions (Chilson, 2012). This technology has the benefit of assuring customers that the security of their information is maintained and the cash processing becomes easier thereby saving on the time taken to process each transaction. By cutting on time taken in processing transactions, a retailer is able to reduce queues in its stores and therefore become more attractive to customers (Chilson, 2012). The other technology adopted by retailers to enhance the way they process transactions is by use of electronic systems to process

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Enterprise Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enterprise Management - Essay Example l 2009), Sky News, UK, [Online] Available: [April 28, 2009] 11 Brimelow P., March 2009, First a Rally, then Hyperinflation? Market Watch, New York, [Online] Available:{F8CFE313-144B-4CFD-9EE7-BC2F4A4B9A63}&dist=TNMostRead [April 28, 2009] 11 Krasny R., April 2009, What the Fed is considering at this weeks meeting, Reuters, [Online] Available: [April 28, 2009] 11 The growth potential of the core companies with a country largely impacts the economy. At the same time the economic health of a country instantly affects the companies working within it. The enterprises within a nation and the nation’s economy are two inseparable entities; one affects the other. Any economic downfall thus results in the poor health of the enterprises. And if the affected economy is the largest and in the world, the ill effects of the economic downturn is dissipated throughout the countries of the world. History has witnessed on such severe economic downfall in 1929, named Great Depression. The present economic recession, termed as the Credit Crunch of 2009 is and perhaps will be more striking. Globalization has led to integration of companies all over the world. Organisations have taken a cue from the Global Commodity Chain model and went overseas, often to enjoy comparative advantages of cost. These moves have boomeranged now. Different divisions of the same company are facing problem for being based out in different countries (February Snowfall Cost British Airways  £20m, April 2009) There is a very low probability that the cash and cash equivalents of a company deposited with a bank gets dissolved. In fact banks always invest their